The much-awaited collaboration between Superstory, Nigeria’s Most-Watched TV Drama, and SFH (Society for Family Health) was premiered on Thursday, November 24, 2016. The memorable event, which took place at Sheraton Hotel Ikeja, was hosted by Nnenna (of the Nnenna & Friends fame) and included outstanding performances by P apa Ajasco & Company, N-Stars, Owen Gee, Koja and wapTV’s Veronica and Omonla . The Superstory: Free to Live premiere, was attended by members of the SFH team and several top advertising practitioners; as well as a wide range of celebrities including A li Nuhu, Ngozi Nwosu, Gbenro & Osas Ajibade, Yaw, Dayo Amusa, Funky Mallam, Wole Ojo, Baba Dee, Emeka Okoye, Hakeem Rahman, Annabel Zwyndilla, Adekunle Salawu, Moc Madu and Aishat Abimbola Musa . According to Wale Adenuga Jnr., Managing Director WAP, “With immeasurable support from Society for Family Health, we have been able to produce not just any drama, but an experience that will forever...